Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Chapter 12: Services & Nonprofit Organization Marketing

In today's world of consumer purchasing, it has become more and more difficult for companies to develop a long term relationship with the customer due to how accessible products are to purchase. Sources such as eBay and Amazon have given the customer the option to shop right from the comfort of there own home. And although this may seem convenient, the disconnection between customer and retail store could potentially disrupt loyalty to that particular company. Apple has taken some initiatives to better insure their customers loyalty even if they purchase products from a different outlet. A great example would be Apple's recent update on cloud storage services. Since all Apple products are all capacity specific, allowing users to securely expand their storage space for a small monthly fee is an incredible way to continue a relationship with the customer. Another example could be Apple's latest venture into music streaming. Now users can stream and download any song on the iTunes catalog for just $10 per month. These services give Apple the opportunity to easily maintain the connection with the customer, build loyalty, and makes it unlikely for them to shop elsewhere.

Chapter 11: Developing & Managing Products

Apple has created many generations of products in search for the ultimate improvement & change. The consumer anticipates the best from Apple because of its high end technology. So that itself adds a lot more pressure on whats expected from every new release. For example, When they made the 12in iPad Pro, Apple tried to incorporate the fast processor of a computer; powerful enough to work with programs. Thinking that it would over sell; it unfortunately did not sell as much as expected & was called a ridiculous tablet. Yes, a 12 inch iPad is pretty out of the ordinary; who would use such a product? but keep in mind that apple tries to target everyone that uses technology daily. It maybe convenient for some & inconvenience for others. 

On the Bright side Apple has just released a new & improved 9in iPad pro, which is the same size as the regular iPad Air 2. They've decided to improve its camera to 12 megapixels, with the tech specs exactly the same as the monstrosity of an 12in iPad pro. Imagine who wouldn't want their hands on this! 

Chapter 8: Segmenting & Targeting Markets

Who someone enters an Apple store, 9 out of 10 times there are really just looking around and deciding whether something catches their eye and could potentially solve a reoccurring issue they might be having. Solutions are the main focus in any interaction. which is why Apple does an amazing job positioning every possible solution. Positioning allows the customer to decide for themselves without pressure from the specialist. Even in different scenarios such as at the genius bar when a decision is usually made unexpectedly, the genius positions all the outcomes that the visitor may want to take advantage of and over all creating a great customer experience.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Chapter 15: Marketing Communications

Communication is key in any business. Being able to inform your customers on new information almost instantly is a normal occurrence in the world we live in today. Media outlets such as social media apps and websites bridge the gap of communication between the company and its consumers. Apple does this in a way like no other company. As soon as a new product, service, or update is available,Apple.com is updated and explained in a very informative way. Apple also does an amazing job utilizing devices to inform the customer. Although we might become a little annoyed from time to time, declining our latest software update over and over, Apple allows communication to be received with ease. 

Chapter 10: Product Concepts

Apple is now running on 100 Percent reusable energy. Which is taking part in reducing environmental damage. When a customer purchases a new apple product what they see is an iconic box that represents & supports a new experience that is about to begin. Not only does Apple find ways to recycle its energy but also its packaging. Apple has throughly examined every aspect of the packaging of their products and in doing so have set a new standard for companies alike. The way its packaging is designed is to capture the eye. It's unique, sleek rectangular box shows poise, sophistication, & style. Even it's contents within are packaged very neat & simple to unwrap.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Chapter 17: Personal Selling & Sales Management

Developing and Proposing Solutions

Technology has become a necessity to our everyday lives. Whether for business, education, or personal use, our iPhones have become a central location for our information and the ability of accomplishing tasks all from the palm of our hands. Apple has done an amazing job creating products that are simple enough to be use by everyone, however, not only do they supply the customer with the product but also insure that it can fulfill their specific needs. At an Apple retail store, the atmosphere does not feel as it would at your normal electronic store. It is clear that the specialists are able to analyze the customer’s needs and provide the best solution regardless of how much they are looking to spend. This format of sales proposal allows the specialist to align with the problem and genuinely present all of the options available while simultaneously making the customer comfortable. The loyalty that develops after an interaction like this is what differentiates a one time buyer from a long time user.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Chapter 16: Advertising, Public Relations

For big companies & businesses advertising is a very important role. Advertising reels in your audience, who the interested ones are. Its the way of winning the acceptance of your audience. Paying attention to detail, as far as how are you going to sell your product depends on how you are going to use advertising and social media to promote your business. For example, Apple Advertises its phones by competing with android. They make commercials showing the simplicity of using an iPhone & how it will make your life easier to manage, organize, & plan. By building relationships with the buyers, they already will promote an iPhone to their friends & family members because of how happy they were with their service. It's all about creating a domino effect with advertising.

Chapter 14: Marketing Channels & Retailing

The Special Retailer Role

When Apple opened their first retail location back in 2001, the goal was to have a direct channel to consumers without the help of other major retailers. Big box retailers such as Best Buy and Walmart allow the consumers to have a first hand look at the products while simultaneously having a variety of options improving the customers experience. Apple had to rethink their approach with the iPhone and set a new standard for contact efficiency. Implementing many options that will allow iPhone consumers to accomplish all their upgrade needs no matter which carrier they are with. Previous to this, iPhone users were limited to upgrading with their specific carrier at their own retail locations. Now with new options such as the iPhone Upgrade Program and Reuse & Recycle, the possibilities are endless and the decision of where to buy your next iPhone is obvious. 

Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making

Being that chapter 6 is one of the most important in marketing. I've learned that its very important to understand the culture that your company is working with in order to understand and embrace their wants and needs. For example, Apple is always looking for ways to improve their product based upon what the customer needs. Recently, Apple has released the new iPhone SE, making it smaller then the iPhone 6s but just as powerful. The reason was because a lot of Apples loyal buyers were unhappy with the new 6 inch iPhone 6s & missed the iPhone 5s size of 4 inches. Listening to their concerns Apple decided to make the iPhone SE, a combination of a pocket sized friendly phone & a modern, powerful processor. Now, not only is it a great size but they have also made it economically friendly.

Now who wouldn't love that !

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Chapter 5: Global Development

Chapter 5: global manufacturing

Apples main source of manufacturers are mostly located in China. The number of suppliers & manufacturers out weigh the amount that there are directly here in the United States. 5 out of 8 manufacturers are located outside of the United States & only 3 are located within the U.S. That already on it own is self explanatory. Many company's like Apple choose outsources in order to find the best deal they can find, so that their product is made at a very low price with low interests. Usually even material is inexpensive, because your buying from high quantity & from the homeland. Now, Donal trump who's running for president has said, "We're going to get Apple to build their damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries". Now what good is in that? By Apple having its manufacturers in China they are also supplying job opportunities for those in need. If the supplier is moved to the U.S then we'll be taking opportunities away from a country that is overpopulated & in need of employment. But if Apple decides not to follow Trumps foot steps into the U.S, Apple will be looking to pay 35 percent on tax charges. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chapter 18: Social Media & Marketing

Many companies have different ways of incorporating their businesses with social media. Some use Instagram, twitter, ads, commercials, Facebook, etc. Apple like's to be mysterious & exclusive so that the audience can be anxious to get a hold of the new product. Every year Apple releases 2 phones through out the year always improving them, making them much more advanced & faster then before. With these releases along comes the commercials & sneak preview trailers enhancing the excitement for the new phone that grasps the buyers attention, waiting anxiously for anew release. They keep the customers at edge because everyone wants one but not everyone can get a phone on the day of the release. Since only a number of them are made specifically for pre-ordered phones & for the people waiting online for weeks, others well... their anticipation just rises. Their sales simply goes up because of the high velocity & requests that are already being asked of them. How do you feel when your anticipating for something to get to your door ?

If Homer can do it, you can !

Sometimes in order for us to think outside the box we have to step out of our comfort zone & push ourselves past limits we've never been before.

Chapter 4: The Marketing Environment

In the technological industry there are many other competitors to Apple that are trying to surpass Apple's success & ideas. Like Samsung, they recreated their phones to make them similar to iPhones. For example, the Galaxy GS6 is sleek, slim, tons of memory & great camera quality. Yes it has a big screen just like the 6s Plus but what makes Apple different is the experience. This is where most business fails to meet, most of the time its just money that is of importance and growth of the company but what about supporting the buyers, the customers, the people. Apple not only has the phones and multiple other tech on display but they also offer workshops & assistance in using your knew phone. If you'd like a quick interaction that's just transactional you got it !, if questions need to be answered & guidance needed, that's also offered. The ingenuity in Apple's products have not only been genius but they knew how to win the people minds & hearts.

Chapter 2: Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage

Apple's success in the company has a lot to do with how management took place. They were able to come up with a creative & strategic plan that lead to their success in technology. Now being one of the multi dollar billion companies leading technology and its future. They do have a tremendous amount of material in their store but they were very smart with choosing which product they will raise the prices & which ones will stay economically friendly to buyers. For example, an unlocked iPhone ranges from $700-$1,000, but the cost doesn't matter when Apple finds ways to improve these devices to go hand in hand with its off the roof prices. iPad's range from $200-$500, these prices ar still welcoming to other buyers that are able to only afford this range. These are perfect examples of Market Development.

Now with this invigorating & inviting commercial that Apple released introducing the new iPhone 6s just makes people want to be a part of this new and modern technology. Once you see a group of people having it and then suddenly it begins to surround you. People give in & want to be a part of this new technology. It's a constant never ending cycle that reels you in. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Chapter 1: A View of Marketing & Apple Inc.

Apple Inc was founded in April 1, 1976 located in Cupertino, California. Apple being a multi dollar billion company it had changed technology around the world & how we communicate. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple Inc has had the opportunity to unfold many creations that would change the future forever. Steve Jobs not only brought to life some of the best creations ever made but also focuses on motivating his employees to strive for the best in order to give out the best. Steve Jobs didn't believe in mediocre work only in pushing yourself to the limit where you can let your creativity unravel & challenge yourself. The company it self builds upon creativity, creation, innovation, persistence, intelligence, & love for what you do. With out these elements Apple wouldn't be so unique to how it treats it's employees & the value of their product. From creating iPhones, to iMacs, iPads , iPods, Apple Tv's, & softwares has completely changed how we communicate around the world. We now have the priority to call our friends & family through FaceTime, have slimmer & much faster processors & fusion drive computers to using iPods that now hold over 33,000 songs rather then holding a bulky cd players with 10 cd's to carry for a different selection of songs. The most beautiful things about this company is that it doesn't stop here. After the terrible death of Steve Jobs in Oct 5th, 2011. Tim Cook became the new CEO & face of Apple. Who has led & managed Apple for 5 years now with many inventive ideas to unravel.